When traveling to a new community, it is important to be aware of cultural faux pas and general attitudes about certain topics. The online world functions similarly. From the land of LinkedIn to planet Pinterest, there is certain content that is not acceptable to be shared and can even be damaging to your own image.
If we're honest with ourselves, we've all violated at least one of the cardinal rules. Some of us may even be friends with constant offenders. Lida Citroen on
socialmediatoday.com gives us a friendly reminder of information you should probably refrain from sharing on the internet.
I want to share just a few of my top favorites from her list, but for the complete article you can read it

This one was Lida's number 6 faux pas, but it's number 1 on my list. Do not post vague, self pitying comments that are a mystery to everyone. This never turns out well. You maybe disappointed when you're friends don't respond with the clearly wanted response of sympathy. Making your friends try to drag out the full context in which you post is based just screams "pay attention to me!"
This next one has effected some of my personal friends. Posting about your job. Specifically, posting about how much you hate your job, or how you are playing hooky for the day, or heaven forbid, personal thoughts on sensitive information about projects and/or clients. This is a sure fire way to find yourself without that job that you hated so much. I guess in firing you they were really doing you a favor.

The last one from Lida's list that really gets my goat is about watching what you say about others. On all platforms of social media, please don't say anything about someone that you wouldn't say to them in person. There is a difference between constructive criticism and cruelty. I have seen online battles of passive aggressiveness wage on for days. These kinds of posts can make you appear as a petty person who doesn't know how to effectively handle confrontation.
Social media has given us access to share our immediate thoughts and feelings. While this can be great in communicating efficiently, it's not always wise to post your first reactions. Think through the consequences of your posts, as you know, they can and will have far reach.