Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Is "Glass Journalism" the New Face of Journalism?

A web-based journalism professor, Robert Hernandez, teaches at the University of Southern California. This year Hernandez created a new course for his journalism students, called "Glass Journalism." This course is the first of it's kind at USC, and challenges students to tell stories using Google Glass. So what was Hernandez's reason for creating this new course? To change journalists from followers to leaders by using this new platform. "As someone who hijacks technology for journalism, I want to be proactive about shaping what journalism will look like on this," said Hernandez.

The syllabus for this "Glass Journalism" course includes students creating apps for Google Glass to help enhance storytelling and story consumption.  However, this is not the first time Google Glass has been used at the university level. Syracuse and Northeastern University in Boston tasked their students to create Glass Apps relating to social media and healthcare.

Ernest James Wilson III, the dean of USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism realized the courses being taught needed an upgrade.  Wilson created a new strategy that would include updating curriculum to reflect emerging technologies and give students more holistic skill sets. Hernandez and Wilson hoped that this new course would fulfill the goals of the schools new strategy.

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This is just the beginning for the use of Google Glass in the classroom. I believe that once the product becomes more available it will spread like a wildfire. Although it has a hefty price tag of $1,500 it is extremely beneficial in the field of journalism. Google Glass would create new opportunities for journalists to record and take photos. Having experienced older methods of journalism involving bulky cameras, and endless cords, I truly appreciate the creation of this new platform.

Read the full story at


  1. I think that this is definitely an advance in technology and thus, an advance in journalism because the two are so closely intertwined in this day in age. I think that this break through also closely relates back to the articles that we were required to read for our pre-assignment. This is engaging the community in every single way that was mentioned by the majority of the writers. Social interaction is the key to improving the journalistic field in my opinion and this is certainly doing a good job.

  2. I agree with Jess. Sometimes, I feel like journalism is very dependent on technology and technology can be dependent on journalism. They both definitely can interconnect with one another. If technology and journalism keep substantially developing, then the communication and technological experts are performing there jobs well.

  3. What a great way to develop the field of study. Having the apps also created by those that use the Google Glass is incredibly smart as well These early stages of applications will help future generations of the product develop exactly what the users needs.
