Since Vine appeared on the social media market, its six-second videos have drawn millions of users from the Twittersphere and beyond. This tool was recently expanded upon by the addition of a new sharing feature in the Vine 2.0 app. Upon opening the app for the first time, a user is invited to try the app’s new direct messaging service. The new addition allows users within the vine community to share a vine through text message with one or more contacts. From there they can continue to have a private conversation with each recipient about the Vine in question. Along with this, it also is possible now to send private vines to other users similar to Instagram or Twitter’s direct messaging features.
This service adds a bit more to the “social” aspect of Vine due to the fact that, before now, the most social interaction between users was comments and tags on the videos. Messaging between users allows more personal interaction, and I for one am looking forward to seeing how it changes the use of Vine as a whole.
This is a very interesting addition to the app, and I agree that it will make it more "social." I bet that this will make the app more popular as well! However, I can only imagine that this app will also have another "hack" like all of the rest we have seen this year, especially now that it has this messaging feature.