Sunday, October 6, 2013

Is Twitter Not as Popular as Facebook?

Twitter has released an IPO that reveals information concerning the company's reach as compared to Facebook.  It appears that there are more internet users that use Facebook than don't, while for Twitter, that statistic is reversed, with less internet users using Twitter than not.  More than half of internet users in the United States use Facebook on a daily basis, while only a fifth of the users in the United States use Twitter at least once a month.  The gap isn't only showing in the United States, but there is a substantial ratio in Facebook to Twitters users on a global scale as well.  Twitter had 218 million users globally, as compared to the 1.15 billion users of Facebook.  It is clearly evident that Facebook is more mainstream than Twitter.

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Twitter acknowledged the need to penetrate new users and convince them of the value of the brand.  Some users may only see Twitter as a vehicle to tweet or for influential users with large audiences.  New users to Twitter may become confused with the service and give up early in the use of it before discovering some of the other benefits of the program.

Twitter plans to counter some of these disadvantages by establishing "advertising revenue per timeline view."  However, there may be awareness issues on that end as well, as many advertising executives may not be aware of Twitter or of how they can use it as a resource for advertisements.  Facebook has already implemented an advertising strategy that works well for them, and advertisers may see them as the only outreach to customers in social media.

There is a feeling in the company that they may never reach the level of popularity that Facebook currently enjoys.  While Twitter understands that they must educate the public on their product to gain more users, it is still a fairly new platform that needs time for development and growth. 

For more information, check out


  1. I never knew the numbers were so spaced a part for Twitter and Facebook. It seems like Facebook has been around for a lot longer than Twitter though. These could have easily been the same numbers for Myspace and Facebook 10 or so yeas ago. I think Twitter is stepping up it's game by making some advertising strategies so I guess we'll have to see where it takes them.


  2. Wow! I'm actually really surprised about this. I thought for sure everyone was using Twitter more than Facebook. However, I'm just considering my friends and people that are my age. When you think of all the older people (parents, grandparents etc.) that are now on Facebook, that definitely adds up. I know for a fact that it's rare for parents and grandparents to have a Twitter. I couldn't agree more with Lisa's last comment above. I'm definitely pulling for them; Team Twitter!

  3. Most users on twitter use some form of application based off of their phone while most users on Facebook might still use their computers when using the social media platform. I believe that more advertising and more of an initiative to entice people to come to twitter.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Actually, this is not surprising to me. When you think about how long Facebook has been around before Twitter was invented, the users that Twitter is reaching out to are Facebook users who are already devoted to the design and features of the social media network. After all the time it took to build a presence on Facebook, they don’t feel like restarting on Twitter.

    Facebook has been ahead of the competition and still is because they were first and with hash tags and the ability to use more emoji’s without there being an awkward box in the middle of a status, they are staying ahead.

    Facebook is also more interactive. You can comment on a photo or hold a lengthy discussion with someone. Messaging someone on Twitter seems silly and awkward.

    As much as we hate Facebook and its five minute Word Press site, it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
