Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Breaking News: Government Shutdown


On Monday September 30, 2013 the Government of the United States of America officially shutdown. This basically means that about 800,000 federal employees will not be seeing their paycheck for a little while. It isn't just affecting people on a national level, but it is subsequently affecting the average American. This kind of news didn't just leave citizens sitting relaxed on their couch as they flipped through the early Tuesday news, in fact, many were in a state of panic and confusion. What does this exactly mean? When this sort of message is addressed to our nation it is only natural for people to become greatly concerned. News spread very fast, and for many night owls on twitter they were some of the many who received the breaking news first. Twitter blew up with many hastags like, #Governementshutdownbecause, #shutdown, and #Governmentshutdown. As I scrolled through my own twitter feed I saw these as well, however, some people seemingly turned the whole issue at hand into a joke, or to be taken light heartedly.

There were even tweets talking about how society could potentially turn out like "The Purge". This could essentially be an extreme way of looking at the economic crisis, or it could be someone's way of trying to spark argument. Federal Facebook and Twitter accounts such as NASA, U.S Capitol, and National Zoo have also stopped responding until the shutdown is over. National Parks, The Statue of Liberty, are all closed to the public at this time, as well as the NASA workplace.
I really don't think twitter is the best place to go when you want in depth information on a serious issue. It is a great place to go for a quick brief overview on what is going on, but if you want the real story you have to take it upon yourself to visit news cites, or even watch the actual event take place on television. Sometimes Twitter can stretch the truth and exaggerate what is really happening, but it is almost like a prologue to an actual story, or event. In this case Twitter notified most of the public that there was in fact a serious issue, but in order to dig deeper you have to dig into other sources and articles for a better understanding.
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