Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You have the floor

Welcome to the COMM 295 Fall 2013 class blog! This assignment will encourage students to pay regular attention to social media and multimedia news, which is vital for anyone working in a communication field.

Students are instructed to analyze and comment on a piece of news from the social media/multimedia/digital journalism world. They will briefly summarize the news story or other item that the post is about, especially why it is an interesting or important development in the world of social media/multimedia. The instructions also call for including a link so that anyone interested in exploring it further can go to the original source.

In past semesters, we have used a closed blogging system for this assignment through Blackboard.

Students have frequently questioned why they were not blogging in a more open environment, and so one of the changes in the course this year is to do exactly that -- in this blog.

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