Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Insta-Ads: Making Users Feel Uneasy


Instagram is everyone's "go-to" place to easily add simple effects to photographs. Before Instagram came along, professionals with years of experience, who used high-quality cameras and programs such as photoshop, only knew how to add effects to photographs. Now, anyone with a mobile device with digital camera capabilities can use this application. The photo-taking experience and the way we view quality in a photograph has been revolutionized by Instagram. Will this revolution continue, after the implementations of video capabilities, with the addition of ads in every corner or will people turn away and find another application with the same capabilities?

Emily White, the company's director of business, told the Wall Street Journal that Instagram will be getting advertisements by the end of this year. She states that the advertisements will be placed in a few corners of the applications design, "where members can find popular photos and videos." Though, Instagram's excuse is that since adding a fifteen second (the normal run-time of most television advertisements) video-taking capabilities, they are required to provide advertisements.

 With Facebook buying Instagram out for $1 billion, it is not a surprise that the first thing they will do is incorporate advertisements. When you log onto Facebook today, there are advertisements everywhere; their excuse, "to provide an individualized experience." Though to many, they are bothersome.

As Rebecca Greenfield, writer for the Atlantic Wire, stated, "Why else did you think Facebook spent all that money buying the app in the first place without killing the product  immediately? It bought the competition so it could sell the product." To defend that statement made, Facebook's new design for the iOS 7 software now allows users to add filters before posting a photo. Facebook is killing Instagram to reach the top.

It seems more and more people are trying to turn away from Facebook at all costs. Now, Facebook is catching up and buying top social media platforms.

Will Instagram be able to compete with the new iOS 7 update? You can now add filters at photos right on your device without using any social media. In comparison to Instagram there are not many filters offered from iOS 7, but will people forget about Instagram and turn to iOS 7 to ignore all of the advertisements? There are also many other applications available via the iTunes App Store with the same capabilities of Instagram without any ads surrounding the app. Will one of them come on top in the end?

It will be interesting to see what happens and how people will react to this change at the end of this year. When Facebook added advertisements to their platform, users said they were annoyed, but kept using the application. Do you believe this will be the same for Instagram?

                                                                                                                                               Chloe Smith

For more information on Instagram Ads:
"Instagram Will Soon Be Getting Ads" via Huffington Post: Tech http://huff.to/1azzRAe
"Instagram Terms of Service Change Sparks Revolt: 'The Instascam' Backlash As Told By The Users" via Huffington Post: Tech http://huff.to/WwlmG3

For more information on Facebook buying Instagram:
"Facebook Buys Instagram for $1 Billion" via DealBook http://nyti.ms/1d0laUh
"Instagram Hints at Advertising on Platform: Smart Monetization Tactic or Selling Out?" via Independent Fashion Bloggers http://bit.ly/Unyes1

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