Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Photographer Identifies People in Iconic 9/11 Image Using Social Media

Throughout the last years, digital media has taken over the globe tremendously.  With the age of the internet, it brought on multiple ways for people to continuously stay up to date with things and have everything readily accessible. More importantly, social media has taken over. Social media is at the center of every controversy, life happening and other events throughout a person’s life and it has a strong impact on the world around us.

            In the article written by Fran Berkman, it is explaining how the powerful the usage of social media can be. On September 11th, 2001 Patrick Witty took a picture of a group of people “expressing horror and disbelief” as the Twin Towers were collapsing.  In the article, he states that Witty posted the picture on his personal Facebook and it was shared of 10,000 times and that’s how he identified people from the photo.

By Thursday 9/19, Patrick Witty identified six people in the photo that he took on 9/11. This is a great example on how social media can be used for good causes. For something so tragic to happen, people can unite through the usage of social media gather the necessary information that one would need to accomplish its goal.

1 comment:

  1. I think that this is so cool. Connecting and discovering with social media has brought communication to a whole new level. You can communicate with people around the world from a simple photograph.This article also makes me think what would social media be like if it was around when the twin towers fell on 9/11? Would there be videos or photos of catastrophe as it was taking place? Would we have been able to detect if Al Qaeda was planning an attack? Would loved ones be able to say their goodbyes via a Tweet? It is horrible to think about, but it makes you wonder. What would have been the trending hashtag for that day? Would the event even be trending? Would there be a better time frame of events because there would have been more data collected, regarding time stamps?

    I agree with you that social media has the capabilities of connecting people and allowing people from all over the world to pay their respects and come together on this day in honor of those lost. It's an amazing impact on culture and society.
