I don't think you could go anywhere on the internet today without seeing some sort of discussion pertaining to Veterans day. Across the nation citizens are commemorating our troops with ceremonies, parades, monumental dedications, and even posting "shout-outs" on social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. This just reinforces how important this day really is in our country. Below are a series of tweet posts that celebrities have shared. Khloe Kardashian and Si from Duck Dynasty sincerely tweeted to our troops who have passed and those alive. People look up to celebrities, and they serve as great tools for popularizing memorable days in our nations history.

Just like Twitter, Instagram is a great place to display imagery pertaining to an important day/ event. Twitter is more word based, but Instagram is solely for the image. Images are very powerful, and sometimes can speak louder than words.

Veterans Day is never forgotten, and by having social media sites like Twitter and Instagram it is almost impossible to ever let the day slip your mind. Society has become technologically dependent in the past decade, making it hard for people to ever forget about important events. Celebrities use Twitter and Instagram to trend any sort of topic to the social world in a professional fashion using hash tags etc. They want publicity for themselves and in this they want publicity for an important day.
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