Thursday, November 7, 2013

Job Searching Through Social Media: It's All About Being Professional

          Take a good look at your Twitter profile. Is it private or public? Is your profile picture professional, or are you chugging a bottle of Merlot? Are you tweeting about information that is relevant to your future career, or are you tweeting about how much you drank the night before? These are all questions that you need to ask yourself when job searching. Nowadays, employers are strongly utilizing social media platforms to scope out their future employees. However, will your profile make the cut?

                Steinfield goes into detail about what employers are specifically looking for in an employee, based off of their social media profiles. First and foremost, always make sure that you have an appropriate profile picture on all of your social media platforms. Yes ladies, that means no “duck-face” poses! It has been proven that recruiters are “turned off” when they do not see an “appropriate headshot.” Another biggie is to make sure you’re posting about information that actually matters. For instance, if you’re looking to go into the sports field, you will most likely be posting the latest information about sport teams. Recruiters are interested in your trends, and how you interact with others by using social media.

                Another aspect employers are looking for in their future employees is a thorough Linkedin page. Linkedin is a huge networking site, and should be used whether or not you’re a college student or professional. The amount of connections that you can have on Linkedin is incredible, and you must take full advantage of the opportunity. Not to mention, it’s free! Facebook and Twitter are also not just places to post pictures and videos, but they too are just as important for professional networking. Make sure you’re always following powerful leaders on Twitter that pertain to your field of interest; you never know what could happen. Although, once again, you need to make sure you take the proper privacy precautions if you do not want professionals to see certain photos or posts.

                So remember, the next time you’re about to post a picture/video of yourself “twerking” on the wall with you friends, make sure you remember who your publics are. You never know what professional could be watching. Be smart with everything you do on social media.


  1. Duck faces will always come back to haunt you! The problem with young people and social media is they tend to not understand the reach and access of social media. A good piece of advice for anyone is to go back and edit their profiles on social media to eliminate any inappropriate material that may be detrimental in the future.

  2. You make some really valid points. Because social media is so immediate, people forget to think before tweeting or posting pictures on Facebook or Instagram. Pictures and content can have detrimental effects on getting a job.

  3. We talk about this in my interviewing class. I think it's very important that we upload the images that represent are brand. You don't want possible employers bringing pictures up of you with your breast out. Your Facebook and Instagram page should be pictures that represents you. I call them safe pictures, its smart to put pictures of family interaction or nice outfit pictures. Make sure the pictures are neutral and safe.
