Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Twitter Updates

          As usual, the ever changing social media platform Twitter has done some updates again. It used to be that you had to click on the picture on twitter to actually see it. Now, the picture automatically shows up in your news fee ultimately making the social media platform more like its largest competitor, Facebook.  This is making twitter more appealing to a more vast audience making it similar to its competitor. This decision that twitter has made is one that I agree with. Twitter is known for a text-based platform. It is important to adapt to changes so that there is a consistent advancement and updating of technological advances. This is also taking a step to make people spend more time on twitter because it will take longer for the feed to load because there is more information for it to be processed.
          On Twitter, @kkjordan tweeted “In the past 20 mins, I've had a bare ass, a penis and shirtless Burt Reynolds on a bearskin rug show up on my TL. Web client is now useless”. Twitter does give an option to turn this feature off through the setting on either the application on your mobile device or on the actual settings within the browser. “In short, Twitter just solved two problems that weren't actually problems. A massive repair effort is underway on something that, for hundreds of millions of people, wasn't broken.” This update was provided with no explanation which is why some people are in an uproar. Even though there wasn’t necessarily anything wrong with the how the picture and videos, updates are much appreciated once they are explained.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting post LeNeé. I personally really like the Twitter timeline update. In particular I enjoy how the photos appear on your timeline without having to expand the Tweet. In addition, I REALLY like that you don't have to expand a tweet to favorite it.

    On the contrary, I have asked numerous members of my COMM 295 class about their feelings towards the new timeline and an overwhelming majority of the class hates the new layout. They also commented on the numerous instances of advertisements on their timeline. I personally enjoy them having an interest in the field but the rest of the class can't stand them.
