Patrick Jackson is in
the process of creating an app for Google Glass. Even before this new
technology is out on the market, people are saying that Google Glass has a lot
of potential, and an app like this, is only one of the reasons. Patrick Jackson
is a firefighter and programmer who saw the need to create something that would
help firefighters do their job better, and more efficiently. The app would help
with a multitude of issues, some of which include floor plans, and a way to
know how to get people out safely. Jackson has made a few apps in the past
relating to firefighting, which his engine uses. The app could possibly be
ready to test in the next six months.
This app seems like it
could have the potential, in later developments, to seek out trapped people,
furthering the ability of firefighters to save lives. I think that Google Glass
could be a very useful product as we move into the world of voice activation.
Certainly, apps such as this will help its success. I am interested to see how
people will adjust to seeing things, such as diagrams in their field of vision,
though. Also, a downside that I could see with Google Glass, is the price tag.
At each unit carrying a price tag of around $1500 dollars, it could limit who
it is available to.
Article posted on
on January 21, 2014
I find that the idea for this app certainly has its merits, but it does raise a question of safety. The most alarming concern addresses the distraction factor of Google Glass. It seems that this technology has the potential to detract the firefighter's awareness to the information being displayed rather than the numerous obstacles they need to be ready for, i.e falling debris, collapsing floors/wall and sudden environmental changes of the fire itself. A firefighter should be able to react quickly as circumstance around them shift, would Google Glass technology detract from their ability to do so, even if it is only a split second it might be the difference between a bad situation and a worse one. I hope the creators of the app consider these possibilities and are careful to not make an already hazardous job even more jeopardous.